21 - Understanding the text
"In his arms he has a pile of galleys; he sets
them down gently, as if the slightest jolt could upset
the order of the printed letters"1.
In this second part of our translation course, dedicated
to the first stage of the translation process - text perception by the
translator - starting from this unit we will give the deserving attention
to one of the main modern works on translation: After Babel by George Steiner,
whose first chapter is called "Understanding as translation". George Steiner
is not a semiotician, nor a psychologist, nor a linguist, even if he perhaps
is all that in the same time: he is, for the most part, a literary critic.
For this reason, George Steiner's metalanguage - the language he
uses to speak about translation - is not the same used by the many scientists
and researchers whose thought we have examined, even superficially, in the
previous units. In exposing some of his most interesting observations, we will,
therefore, try to translate what Steiner says into the language to which the
readers of this course are now accustomed, with the dictionary and the terms
used up to now.
Having quoted some passages by English classics, and indicated some
interpretive paths of the words that make up them, Steiner comes across the problem
of the close matching of culture and language. Many words found in Shakespeare,
for example, exist in contemporary English too, but often their meaning in the
culture that produced them is very different.
How do different cultures and historical epochs use language, how do they conventionalize or enact the manifold possible relations between word and object, between stated meaning and literal performance?2 |
As we can see, speaking of relations between "word and object", Steiner implicitly quotes Quine and, more generally, refers to the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis according to which, for the first time, the inversion of the relation between language and culture is postulated: language is not a mere tool for expressing a content elaborated autonomously by culture; on the contrary, different linguistic structures give rise to different intellectual structures and vice versa, to the point that it is not possible to think of interpreting a text neglecting its cultural coordinates. It becomes ever more difficult to neatly distinguish form from content, and semantics - the science that studies the meaning of words and utterances - is in greater and greater difficulty. As in psychoanalysis, where the question posed is "terminable or interminable analysis?", in the search for the meaning of a text we also face an endless series of interpretations. And the more interesting a text is, regardless of its age, the easier to ascertain such interminability of the interpretation, which is exactly what keeps it interesting over time.
Explorations of semantic structure very soon raise the problem of infinite series. Wittgenstein asked where, when, and by what rationally established criterion the process of free yet potentially linked and significant association in psychoanalysis could be said to have a stop. An exercise in 'total reading' is also potentially unending3. |
The conclusion that Steiner draws is that any careful reading of a
text is an act of manifold interpretation that, in most cases, occurs without a conscious
awareness. Like 'false friends' that in a text in a language different from the mother
tongue of the reader attract her interpretive trend toward meanings close to similar-sounding
words of the mother tongue of the reader - inducing her to read morbid thinking absentmindedly
"morbido", and only in a second reading correcting herself and recalling that it is probably
something similar to "morboso" - , there are false friends even within the same language.
Steiner offers some significant examples: interest and simplicity, having a meaning very
different in Shakespeare from the one a contemporary reader would easily attribute them.
Steiner holds that, as we have already said, language evolves with time, not only
historical time, but also subjective time. Moreover, the metalinguistic assertions about language
are destined to modify the very language we are talking about; our subject is therefore very plastic
and difficult to catch in a moment of stasis.
The sum of linguistic events is not only increased but qualified by each new event. If they occur in temporal sequence, no two statements are perfectly identical. Though homologous, they interact. When we think about language, the object of our reflection alters in the process (thus specialized or metalanguages may have considerable influence on the vulgate). In short: so far as we experience and 'realize' them in linear progression, time and language are intimately related: they move and the arrow is never in the same place4. |
Being so dynamic, a word's status carries along a part of
its history. It is substantially the notion of intertextuality that Steiner
never names but constantly describes. Each word or locution carries also
with it the history of that word or locution, so that a full reading5
evokes not only immediately accessible meanings, but also other vague allusions.
We have seen an example in Steiner's own text in the first part of this unit
when we quoted the sentence about word and object and the allusion to Quine's' theory.
One of the objections often addressed to such theories on the ephemeral,
unstable quality of meaning is that this principle would be applicable only to literary
texts, without any application for texts constituting most of the existing mass of
literature. The example taken from Steiner's essay shows that even a 'dry' informative
text can contain implicit intertextual links, in which case the reader - all the more
reason the translator-reader - must know what is in store for her.
In order to undertake such a complete reading we need many tools, on which
Steiner expands in details. We will deal with that subject in the next unit.
Bibliographical references
CALVINO I. If on a Winter's Night a Traveller, translated by William Weaver, London,
Vin-tage, 1998, ISBN 0-7493-9923-6.
STEINER G. After Babel. Aspects of Language and Translation. Second edition, Oxford,
Oxford University Press, 1992. ISBN 0-19-282874-6.
2 Steiner 1992, p. 7.
3 Steiner 1992, p. 8.
4 Steiner 1992, p. 18-19.
5 Steiner 1992, p. 24.